
  • You can participate in any number of categories, and participation is completely free of charge.
  • Ensure that each entry is submitted using a separate form.
  • Entry Details: The organizers will provide each participating company with a login and password;
  • Ensure your entry is complete; Incorrect entries may not be accepted.
  • Who can enter All campaigns from Oman can enter all the categories.
  • Entries can be submitted directly by any company (Brand) or its representative agencies
  • What is the maximum file size? Accepted Media Please review our Submission Formats section for the following acceptable media specifications
    • Images (JPEG)
    • Video (.MOV / MP4)
    • Audio (MP3)
    • Descriptions should be limited to 200 words
  • The organizers provide each participating company with a login and password.
  • Ensure you submit a separate form for each entry.
  • Incorrect entries might not be accepted into the competition.
  • The TOMI may contact the agency, brand, or anyone associated with the entry, during entry processing or during judging, should any questions arise related to the entry.